Create Project
The project is created with java -jar <A.jar> <Language> <ProjectName> <Type>.
In the <A.jar> part, the path to the file containing "A.jar" is written.
In the <Language> part, the type of the project to be created is written. There are 3 language options available. (English, Deutsch, Türkçe)
The name of the project to be created is written in the <ProjectName> field. It is used as the name of the project file and the output name.
In the <Type> field, the type of the output is written. There are 3 types of options. (Console, Java, CSharp) If console is selected, Java console program with ".jar" extension is created. If Java or CSharp is selected, it will compile to the selected language and output as a project file.
java -jar A.jar English A Console